Mount Calvary Baptist Church
Rev. Elmore Garner, Pastor
We began in 1930 with a membership of 46. Rev. D.J. Jones was our first pastor and Sis. Daisey Jones our First Lady. Rev. Jones had a vision for this church to grow and become a church for the community. He orchestrated much of the building of the church by developing the first Building Fund Committee. Through prayer and guidance, the church began to grow and prosper. By 1958, the membership had increased to approximately 1100 members. Rev. Jones pastored this church for 29 years until his death in August 1959.
Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Rev. Horace C. Allison became our first full time pastor in November 1959 and Sis. Elma Allison our First Lady. Rev. Allison continued the vision of Pastor Jones. The mortgage of $20,000.00 was paid off in October 1962, many ministries were created for the lasting growth of the churches members. Rev. Allison blessed this church for 30 years of preaching and teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. He departed this earthly life to be with his heavenly Father in June 1989.
Rev. Robert L. Owens became the church's third pastor in December 1989 and Sis. Brenda Owens our First Lady. In August 1991 additional property was purchased, Mission One was changed to Senior Mission, the Senior Choir and the Gospel Choir became the Inspirational Choir, and the Boy Scout and Cub Scout Troops were organized. Rev. Owens selected seven feacon trainees and appointed three deaconesses.
In 1991, our church family dealt with a great suffering by going through a church split. Despite what Satan was trying to destroy, God was building up for our good.
In January 1992, we were blessed with our 4th pastor, Rev. Elmore Garner and our First Lady Sis. Renae' Garner. In Pastor Garner's first year, 313 people joined by letter or Christian experience, 230 by Baptism, and 9 renewed their membership. Under Pastor Garner's guidance, three ministers and ten deacons have been ordained, twelve have been called into the ministry, three deacons are in training, and seventeen deaconesses have been appointed.
Other accomplishments and achievenments have been generated such as, the Women's and Men's Conferences (now merged to form the Family Conference), ten additional ministries, and various other organizations. The church purchased a parsonage, six additional properties and erected a church marquee. Other changes includes renovation of the church's Upstairs Class Rooms, Outside Kitchen, Bathrooms, Foyer, Fellowship Hall, Church Sanctuary, and Business Office. Calvary is a member of New Light Missionary and Educational Baptist Association and Louisiana Home and Foreign Missions Baptist State Convention, Incorporated.